The company operates Galaxy EPR by Singular Logic as (Enterprise Resource Planning) system, which carries out all the operations required for the Commercial, Accounting and Financial Management of the company.
The objective of the ERP system is to automate process flows and make data distribution among the different departments of a company easier. The departments of the company can in real time share both data and information and more effectively communicate with each other. The ERP system is also the information core of the company, to which a number of peripheral managements and additional information systems are connected.
Continuous developments in the field of Logistics, increasing daily needs as well as the constant increase in code collection made the need for the installation of sophisticated warehousing systems imperative so that a balance could be achieved among information systems, warehousing spaces and manual work.
The installation of the so-called Warehouse Management Systems is a challenge for any modern company. Our company has integrated Aberon WMS by OPTIMUM into its information systems since 2012.
This software provides the company with the opportunity to save space, time and money. It can be aware at any moment -in real time- of the stock, as per code number, stocker or supplier, existing in its facilities, the exact position, the expiry date and the production lot as well as the exact date the specific lot was entered to the warehouse. The company has achieved to optimize the procedures for replenishing stocks, to restrict the order cycle and finally reduce storage costs, at the same time increasing speed of service.
The Sales Force Automation mobile ordering system by INFOSUPPORT SA (Viper SFA) our company has implemented has fully automated the operations of outside salespersons. Sales staff have full access, via smartphones and tablets, to all the information involved in managing and automating company sales as if they were in person at the head offices of the company. They can manage a wealth of information in an instant, structured and flexible way so that they can quickly respond to changes and chances, thus offering to the customer quality and instant services. Customer orders are entered without delay into the system and the salespersons are instantly -in real time- informed about the condition of the relevant customers.
It contributes to:
More Profitable Sales
Accelerated Sales Completion Cycle
Improved Customer Services
More Efficient Organization
SFA provides detailed information in the form of reports and graphs, thus fully monitoring and controlling the results, while it also creates the conditions for more accurate budgets, better market segmentation, new approaches to customers and targeted marketing actions.
Our company operates the Relationship Management System with customers from Galaxy CRM by Singular Logic, thus achieving to organize, monitor, manage and optimize the relationships of the business with its customers. Customer Relationship Management is a widely applied strategy for managing the interactions of a business with customers and sales prospects.
The Wind Fleet Management-SmartNav provides information in real time about the itineraries covered by the trucks as well as a series of reports on conditions related to temperature (freezing), stops, fuel consumption, order of deliveries and other information, while it also provides the company with the opportunity to control the current freezing conditions throughout the route so that the correct decisions on routing management can be taken.
We use the business solution Mobile World Exvan by Infosupport, which is an integrated mobile invoicing support platform used by Android smartphones/tablets and mobile printers that makes all Exvan procedures easier.
Computerized procedures give moving company staff the opportunity to increase their productivity by providing better services to the customer.
The expertise of both our company and its clients with regard to our data processing support provides us with the opportunity to develop and support any request for connecting our software with third-party software, when it comes to either a simple exchange of electronic files or a job position with third-party software within our company, or invoicing management through e-invoicing companies (Impact, RetailLink, Vellum, etc.).
The company operates an integrated ZKTeco access control system (Atermon), one of the most widespread and effective security systems, as it controls access of both vehicles and people to controlled or classified areas for maximum security.